Monday, August 1, 2011

Time to Act NOW, why suffer till 2014 ?

Some of us talking about bringing 'Change' in 2014 general Elections, as general perception is that HONEST Parliament can only bring the 'Change'. Reality is in fact different. Lets understand why we need to act NOW and not wait till 2014 elections.

1. First let’s demystify a myth that “Honest” elected representative can only bring the “Change”. “Honest” elected representative MP’s are indeed a positive step to make India Corruption free, but far more important is to lay “Foundation” of Revolution which is JanLokpal.

2. Why Janlokpal is a Foundation for Corruption free India, and not “543 Honest MP’s and super honest PM”? Answer lies in bringing change in “SYSTEM” and not just “INDIVIDUALS”. Janlokpal is Foundation to change the SYSTEM.

3. This also implies that even if you have “most dishonest 543 MP’s and the most corrupt/dishonest PM” you can still make India Corruption free, if only “Janlokpal” is implemented.

4.  On the other side, this also implies that if we have “most honest MP’s” but NO Janlokpal then we will see some small “wave of change” in beginning but slowly Indian SYSTEM will again be “corrupt” as before. This may surprise you but let's see Why and How ?

5. This is just like “Honest” people constructing a Building without a FOUNDATION. This resulted in Material used is genuine, Transactions were transparent, No Bribery, No wrong doings. Everybody happy and seems to have won the ‘Corruption’ battle. BUT as there was NO foundation, a part of basement pillar started to Rust and some cracks developed. Cracks then widened and one day small Earthquake brought the whole building DOWN. Back to SQUARE ONE.. !!!  Same applies to real life where a SYSTEM without a Janlokpal Foundation may fall anytime, due to growing number of corrupts.

6.  Even some politicians who were “Honest” and when they came into politics, pledged to be “Honest”. But finally were pressured by SYSTEM, had to do many “Compromises” and compelled to be silent on many wrong things happening in SYSTEM. (One classic example is Ex-PM of India who pledged not to fight elections again)

7.  If People want to see a CORRUPTION FREE INDIA, they must have JanLokpal passed and lay the FOUNDATION first. 

8.  It is NOW or NEVER situation. Don’t wait till 2014 for next general elections, even if you wait till that time, there is no surety that all “HONEST” people will get elected and even if they get elected, they may be COMPLELLED by SYSTEM to vote against Janlokpal Bill…

9. We just can’t afford to miss this GOLDEN chance.  Team Anna (and whole nation) is fighting for JLB and NOT for throwing out UPA Govt and having Fresh set of MP’s. They know that if JLB comes into effect, these these UPA govt like corrupt people can be “FORCED” to behave like “HONESTS”.. This is because it will be DO or DIE situation. If they will not be HONEST they will directly doing to JAIL.  However, it’s differently story that this UPA govt will prefer to step down than to pass JLB as they would prefer to run/hide than give a ‘whip’ to Lokpal and be a sitting duck.

10.  Remember this Revolution may lead to UPA be thrown out of Power and Mid term election be announced, BUT this is not we are fighting for.  We will NOT wait till 2014, Let Revolution BEGIN now and END only when Janlokpal is PASSED (with no Breaks in between)

* Please Refer "Why Janlokpal is important?" blog article for more details. 



  1. One more thing to Fight Against Corruption::
    Most of the Internet Users (like me) are staying outside of their constituency due to work/job one of the other reasons. These set of people in the society is almost 30%-50% of the total population.
    These people are educated and not happy with the Corruption. They want to Act Against the Corruption, but never get a chance to do so...

    They want to caste their votes but never get an option as they are outside of their constituency. If Internet VOTING can be introduced then these people caste their VOTES. It will help to remove the corrupt politicians.

    I am staying 1600 KM away from my home. I want my voice/vote should be counted but cant help it. To go home I have to spend 10000.0 atleast..

  2. Nicely put thoughts.

  3. wonderful. Keep the good work coming.

  4. No body in this country is above LAW even U.S president(President Nixon was removed from office) Governors, Senators, Congressman ,CEO, Actors have gone to jail when proved Guilty ,How many minsters and Top brass of society in India have been found guilty but never gone to jail,( NO BODY IS ABOVE THE LAW OF LAND EVEN P.M)

  5. Superb! One thing we should not stop is keep spreading the word about Jan Lokpal and it's long reaping benefits. The last hope is in WE, who can be the change.

  6. JP Narayan's speech in Parliment exactly tell this - Recall's will not work!

    He says - Indian Constitution (10th schedule) has failed to nurture good political practice. Unless we transform political parties, we can not transform politics of India. It doesn't matter what is discussed at parliament. All it matters is, 10 people in the parliament (high commands), they must be convinced. Big changes in India never happened because parliament deliberated. MPs and MLAs do not have say in govt functioning.
