Friday, August 5, 2011

One pager Janlokpal Awareness document (For distribution)

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  JanLokpal -  India’s Second Freedom Struggle 

Q: What are ‘Indian people’ fighting for ?
A : They are fighting to uproot Corruption from Country. This movement is popularly termed as the ‘Second Freedom of Struggle’.

Q.  How big is this Corruption issue?
A.  Much more than what we can think of. Without the widespread corruption, By now, India could have been a ‘Super Power with First-rate economy’. Corrupt ‘People in power’ (i.e. Politicians, bureaucrats, corporate and other people in authority) have looted the nation and sent out around US$1.5 Trillion black money out of the country. If this amount is brought back, the people of India will not have to pay any kind of direct/indirect tax, to the government, for next 30 years.

Q.  Isn’t population root cause of all problems?
A.   Surprisingly NO. Population is not a problem or obstacle in the development of the nation. Corrupt people in power have been in building their own treasures without thinking about the interests of common man. Millions of people suffer because of these handful corrupts.  

Q. Why this struggle now? Why it wasn’t done earlier to make India corruption free?
A.  Unawareness of facts and absolute faith in the leadership were the main factors. Things have changed now. Education, Internet, and Information media have brought awareness. Triggering factor of this revolution/struggle is exposure of many scams in recent times. Out of those few are biggest scams in Indian history.

Q.  What is being done to end corruption?
 A.  People of India, wants formation of an Independent Body (Ombudsman) which will check Corruption and will have necessary powers to ensure that corrupts are punished. This will be achieved by passing a law in parliament named ‘Janlokpal Bill’ (JLB).  People believe that JLB is foundation to end corruption, in same way ICAC was successful to end corruption in Hong Kong during 1970-80.  Janlokpal Bill (JLB) is judiciously drafted by the civil society, led by Anna Hazare and supported by the People of India. This bill is a logical document to check the corruption in the country.

Q.  What is current status?
A.   Currently, Govt. controls the bodies/agencies which are supposed to check corruption. But this ‘System’ is so far been ineffective to do so. History speaks that despite of numerous scams, involving millions/billions of rupees, not even a single politician/high rank official got any punishment so far. The government is now trying to deceive people by presenting their version of Lokpal Bill in the parliament, which is an eye wash. It is in favor of the corrupt people and against the complainant. People are strongly opposing such move. They want Janlokpal Bill drafted by civil society and not Lokpal Bill prepared by the Government, to be presented in and passed by the Parliament.

Q. What’s Next ?
A.  Civil society activists like Dr. Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan, Santosh hedge, popularly known as “Team Anna” led by Shri Anna Hazare have called Nationwide street protest under banner of “India Against Corruption” and hunger strike from 16-Aug-2011 till Government agree to pass JanLokpal Bill (JLB).

Q. How can I participate or contribute for this “National Cause”?
A. You can participate/contribute in many ways. By spreading the message, support this Janlokpal movement, become volunteer, participating in local events, referendum etc. For more information please visit or (for NRI’s)

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