Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Corrupts will join "JANLOKPAL" Anti-Corruption Movement ?

To some people it may look like “Funny” statement, but see WHY and HOW this will happen :-
1. No one is Born corrupt and no one wants to be corrupt, but situation make a person Corrupt.
2. A person becomes corrupt for following 4 reasons
a) Doesn’t have sufficient earning to meet his/family needs.
b) Peer pressure. A Person’s Fellows, colleagues, neighbors, friends, relatives do or did corruption and so he also does so to earn “extra” money like others.
c) Compulsion : At office, every person above and below the person is corrupt. He is compelled to do corruption otherwise he will be thrown out and replaced by some other.
d) Mental state : Greed, mean attitude, ill mentality.
3. Of all above reasons a), b), c) can be fixed through a “healthy” system and good economy. For the last one d) it’s a challenge and it will take some time or generations to fix. Short term fix is “Carrot” & “Stick” in hand. Like if you dare to do “bad” things, you would go Jail with harsh punishment.
4. By promising of better future (good salary, clean system etc), Corrupts may join Anti-corruption movement. This is because being corrupt is matter of Big SHAME.. Some corrupts who are shameless will not co-operate. After revolution they will not have any other option. They will either be “Nice” persons in society or will be in “Jail”
5. For those who are already corrupt, may not need to fear about their future in “India 2.0″. All existing corrupts will be given chance to be “Nice” and “respectable” citizens. In other words Assurance that they will not be put directly into Jails after India’s second freedom (India 2.0).
6. Corrupts will get chance to come into mainstream by retaining some minimal required assets (even though asset was built using corruption in past) and rest other giving back to Govt (Society). Easier to say than getting it done but ideology behind it is that India 2.0 would assume that all corrupts were corrupts because of rotten system and situations beyond their control.
7. Important thing is that India will no longer be generating black money, will get major portion of black money (internal/external) into Economy. This all resulting in Mega Mega Construction/Development/Research/Manufacturing projects running all across India, generating plenty of jobs and opportunities.
8. With huge employment opportunities people who want to be honest and earn good money as well will not have trouble finding good jobs. In other words there will be more “food” available than a person can “eat”. ( Who would like to be corrupt then ? )
9. Corrupts will get Amnesty after co-operating with Govt and with pledge that they will no longer do corruption ( else would go Jail ). There will be no motivation to remain corrupt and also a scare of getting punished if found doing corruption. In that India 2.0 who would want to remain corrupt.. ?
10. In Anticipation to see a safe and better India, all people who are corrupt today will come on street 16-Aug onward in support of Anti-corruption Revolution.

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