Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reservation Boon or Curse ?

For self vested interests and vote bank, Politicians or political parties have adopted DIVIDE & RULE policy. RESERVATION is one of them ( MINORITY Card is another one..)
1. As a side effect of CORRUPTION, people in general are left with “LIMITED” resources. Like limited schools/colleges, employment opportunities, hospitals, industrialization, agricultural technologies/facilities and list is endless.
2. When resources are “LIMITED” ( like less food in plate but more people to eat ) this generates an environment which gives rise to unhealthy competition, jealousness , mistrust, meanness, fights, tussles, frauds etc.
3. On the other hand, When CORRUPTION ends and we live in “New India”, there will be “SUFFICIENT RESOURCES” ( More food in plate than number of people to eat ) like employment, development, good savings, almost zero inflation, booming economy etc. This will lead people to think/talk/do “good” things, with positive energy and be nice to every other person.
4. When we have “RESOURCES” there will be NO need of RESERVATION System which is dividing our people/society today. Everybody will be have access to Best possible EDUCATION, and everybody will be EMPLOYED.
5. RESERVATION is just Survival Card for these corrupt politicians. It is NEITHER benefiting those who are getting it NOR helping those who are not getting it. Those who are getting so called benefit from RESERVATION system have to face “Humiliation” from other people whole of their life and a BIG guilt to carry all along. This is what they anyway deserved to get if there would have been “NO-CORRUPTION” and with no RESERVATION system in place.


  1. Totally agree, I have not used my "OBC" status anytime in my life till now.

    1. good , u help another obc to get reservation
      thnx brother

  2. Few more points:
    1. Reservation itself is becoming one more source of corruption. Many may be getting the sc/st certificates through corrupt means and using it fraudulently.

    2. Reservation has not brought in the desired changes in the society, instead it has created more divisions and problems.

    3. It is mostly the creamy layer (who actually do not need reservation) that are benefiting most from this system, and preventing the rightful people getting the fruits of reservation.

    4. Rampant misuse and corruption leading to inefficiency in every government office.

    There are better ways to implement the reservation. One should learn from other developed countries like Singapore how well they have conceived and implemented similar policies.

    But with corrupt Neta's who are using reservation as a vote bank politics, this is bit too much to expect in India.

    1. answers to ur points:
      1. if u found any one like that inform to police and help strengthening resevation
      2. yes thats right but can u suggest any alternative ?,at present we dont have any other option
      3. by prohibiting increse in creamy layer income rate we can solve that
      4.this has nothing to do with reservation policy
      reservation at least in the names of caste is the only choice in front of suppressed section of sc/st & obc

  3. though reservation mainly mainly benefits the creamy layer but it is the only ladder which gave sc, st and some obc people a chance to compete wid the world....
    removing reservation will result in crushing of sc and st people under the feet of all high caste society....
    total %of sc in india 16%,,,, resrvation given 15%
    total % of st in india8%,,, reservation given 7.5%
    so it totally fair..... and if u still think its wrong then just search caste discrimination in india
    u will see that even today sc and st people are treated lyk animals..... reservation helps them to study in schools and colleges....

    1. you are right my brother we have same taste
