Thursday, July 21, 2011

JLB Special Provision - Dealing with CORRUPTS

1. JANLOKPAL BILL suggests that Corrupts will be put into Jail and Punished. Totally agree..

2. However, a Separate provision in Lokpal Bill is needed to Deal with existing Corrupts & Scam-esters at the Time when Jan Lokpal Bill comes into effect. 

3. This Separate provision ( One time Exception & Amnesty provision for existing corrupts ). For practical purposes and for National Interest, existing corrupts should not be Punished and Jailed even if they are proven to be corrupts. This Amnesty doesn't come free though.. and will have some rules/process. 

4. Existing corrupts will be given option to declare their assets that they earned using "Corruption" and "Scams". For smaller than say Rs 25 crore corruption, Lokpal Officers will evaluate the case and will declare part of their Assets as "National Asset" before an Amnesty is given. Lokpal's officer's decision will be FINAL. Lokpal officer will be "Liberal" and "Considerate" towards smaller corrupts (Less than say Rs 25 Crores)

5. For more than say Rs 25 crore corruption/scam cases, a Bench of Lokpal Senior Officials will take up the cases. They will just leave "reasonable" with the individual and most of the remaining assets will be declared as "National Asset". 

6. There will be a deadline by which Corrupts/Scam-esters need to come forward and declare their Assets earned through wrongful means. After that deadline, Any corrupt old or new will be dealt with Existing Lokpal Anti-corruption laws.

7. "Lie/Hide" anything before Lokpal Officer/Bench will be a National Crime. Those who Lie/Hide will directly be Punished/Jailed even if they did corruption of Rs 1 lakh. Corrupts/Scam-esters will also be whistle-blowers who will name others who are corrupts or were part of corruption/scam involved.  

8. To facilitate this, a Tracking/Monitoring System ( Internal Website/Software ) need to be created so that Lokpal Officers/bench can mark/track complaints against Govt/Public Employee/Officials. Similarly this System will also provide an Interface/Website for general users who can file their feedback (good/bad/complaint) for any Govt/Public official/servant or Office. This will bring more Transparency in System. ( Not going in detail here, but this System will have many dimensions, scope, usage etc )


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