Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why JANLOKPAL is important to make India Corruption Free ?

Lets see HOW ?
1. Janlokpal is FOUNDATION of Corruption Free INDIA. We will try to understand WHY & HOW of it ..
2. There is lot of confusion and criticism for “TEAM ANNA” and the “APPROACH”. Some has been spread by people who are themselves corrupt or have vested interests. Some people who are not influenced by someone else, are questioning themselves, if the “APPROACH” laid down by “TEAM ANNA” is right or not. Or will it solve the Corruption or there is still better way that “TEAM ANNA” is not adopting or ignoring. Valid questions, thoughts.. let’s READ FURTHER to understand..
3. First important thing : Corruption is not just “Individual” or “Mentality” .. it is “SYSTEM” which is corrupt today. With no doubt “Individuals” have made the “SYSTEM” corrupt.
4. Replacing 545 MP’s with “HONEST” ones is indeed a positive and necessary step but this “ALONE” can’t solve the problem. This is because here we are just replacing the “individuals” on corrupt “SYSTEM”. This step will create a positive wave at beginning but as there is no firm FOUNDATION, things will go back to as it was before (i.e, corrupt). Lets understand this.. Farmer grows Tomatoes and forced to sell it in Rs 2/kg to a middle man. Finally a corrupt system makes it Rs 24/kg when customer buys it. Now Rs 22 will be eaten up by middle man, distributors etc and a cut goes to Administration (corrupt Govt). One fine day a Honest Minister is elected and declares that all middleman are being eliminated and Farmer will get Rs 10 and end customer would pay Rs 14. Rs 4 will be spent for storage, transport, distributor which is reasonable. Doing this we stopped/eliminated middleman, corrupt officials who were getting those Rs 22. Now think about those people who lost Rs 22. They won’t sit idle. As there is no alternative to get money they will group together, lobby, engage “bad” guys and will somehow pressurize Farmer, minister, govt people, policy makers to such a extent that Farmer would start getting lesser and Customer would start paying more. Mind that these middlemand/corrupts/bad guys are very powerful in Society/SYSTEM. After sometime, things would go bad as it was before as we didn’t think about how middleman/corrupt people would survive.
5. “JAN LOKPAL BILL” is the way to ensure that every “Govt/Judiaciary people (MP/PM/Judges/Officials etc)” remain “HONEST” and perform their DUTY. Practically speaking even today 80% of corrupts do not want to remain corrupt. They are forcibly made corrupt by “ROTTEN SYSTEM”. Today System’s pressure, peer pressure and greed is prominent reason for corruption than “need”. Traffic policeman getting less salary, hence doing corruption is fractional situation. Even though Traffic policeman takes bribe he just gets 10% and rest goes up. Coming back to core point, “Jan Lokpal Bill” is the way to convey that “I am watching”. Now let Govt people get together, make policies, do development, create employment/business opportunities for those Middleman/corrupts who were getting Rs 22, use tax payer’s money wisely and honestly, stop black money generation, force transactions to be recorded, stop hoarding, encourage farming, support farmers, generate employment by taking Mega development projects like building highways, towns, schools and so on ..
6. When “Jan Lokpal Bill” is implemented, Govt/Administration will itself start making system “CLEAN” and in this “CLEAN” environment CORRUPT bugs, pests, termites will have NO place to survive. It is just like A newly appointed restaurent’s Quality Inspector (which has power) telling Chef that “If I see a single “Cockroach or rodent, in restaurent, I will throw you out of job”. Now it’s Chef’s duty that it makes plan/process, tells their juniors/subordinates and keep the kitchen, restaurent clean. Here Quality Inspector is “Jan Lokpal”, “Chef” is PM or Head of any ministry/dept, juniors/subordinates are officials/Govt employees and Pests(cockroaches/rodents) are corrupt people. Here we see that Quality Inspector is not interfering what Chef or other employees are doing. Quality Inspector is just having a Power and looks for Cockroaches/Rodents or anybody complaining about it.
7. Today we all are fighting for “Corruption” free India and “Jan Lokpal Bill” is FOUNDATION of it. All other positive ideas/approaches are good, valid and welcomed. Neither “Team Anna” nor any one in IAC is ignoring what others are saying or suggesting (like Election Reforms etc ). If you as concerned, responsible, patriotic citizen feel that other ideas/approaches should be implemented then it has to be implemented. No questions about that. BUT currently we are fighting a BIG battle in getting the “FOUNDATION STONE” be placed. And that is “JAN LOKPAL BILL” which is FIRST and MOST important step in making a “CORRUPTION FREE INDIA”.
8. At this moment GOVT is using it’s all POWER to derail “TEAM ANNA’s JLB Movement”. They have threatened Anna ji to do same thing that they did for Ramdev ( 4th June incident ). It is becoming difficult for TEAM ANNA and IAC members to deal with such situations. BUT they are determined to face any situation, get lathi’s, get killed, die of hunger for PEOPLE OF NATION.
9. Please come together and stand in support for TEAM ANNA’s STRONGER JAN LOKPAL BILL. It’s time to remain UNITED. Lets not get DIVIDED over Approach A or B, All Approaches takes us to “Corruption Free India”.

10. Please Click here to go through the appeal Arvind Kejriwal has made to all people of India. It's time to JOIN the Movement. It's NOW or NEVER.  



  1. This is the real deal.. You have put it the right way by saying that Janlokpal is the foundation for a corrupt free India. The media and the corrupt leader are together. No wonder educative/ informative/ perceptive posts like this will never show up in any media. Now I feel even more strongly that JanLokpal is very much needed to mend this system..

  2. Most needed in every sphere of life corruption has become a common thing & people started to accept the same as it will be an Herculean tusk to move in normal speed for any govt. contract / job / work or any govt.related permission.
    These (corruptions) had made us forcefully in the Developing countries till date to the direction of Under-developed countries.

  3. India cannot become Developed Nation if it continues to be in grip of Corruption.

  4. I support Team Anna
