Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What may happen on 16-Aug & After.. ?

Lets visualize what is going to happen on 16-Aug and after…
1. Anna Hazare ji sits on fast on 16-Aug. It may happen that Govt imposes section 144 and not let Anna ji to go Jantar Mantar. Anna ji will sit for fasting wherever he is. Along with that lakhs of Supporters will be with him. ( much much larger than what were there in Ramlila ground on 4th June )
2. If Govt dares to Arrest Anna ji or harm him, this will prove to be quite fatal for Govt and it will be total uncontrollable situation for them. People who planned to do peaceful protests, may turn violent and march in large numbers towards Parliament, Rastrapati Bhavan etc. Police/Army may refuse to obey Govt orders and would not act against their own people. Anyhow police/Army will not have resources to stop these large number of people from Marching ahead.
3. If Govt. doesn’t repeat 4th June, then with Anna ji’s fast people in large number will step into streets to show support for this Anti-corruption movement. It is obvious that Govt would not agree to Jan Lok Pal Bill(JLB), but will try to cheat Anna ji by saying we agree but later deny on that. With every cunning move of Govt, more large number of people come out of street. In 3 days almost everybody will be out in streets and this Govt will be under tremendous pressure to step down. Jayalalitha like people will try to take benefit of situation by forming “3rd front” with Support from NDA (or vice versa) and Jayalalitha would try best that she becomes prime minister. But her these stunts would sooner be exposed and this unreliable formula will be rejected by People. Govt will either be brought down in Parliament, by President or Supreme court or Govt will have no other option than stepping down and mid-term election will be announced. Under no circumstance this Govt will agree to JLB, for sure. They would prefer to step down rather than accepting JLB. By stepping down they would still hope that next Govt of BJP/NDA/ThirdFront will not let JLB to go through and this corrupt govt people would escape charges of corruption.
4. Net result would be that Govt would be thrown out of from Power by end of Aug.
5. Mid term elections will happen. If BJP has guts then it will declare and commit to JLB, but there are corrupts in their party too (though less in number). People who are standing today are not against Congress/Govt but against corruption. So when elections come, they will make very sure that only those who supports JLB and are honest are elected.
6. Elections done, New Govt, JLB passed.
7. Current JLB will undergo many changes, even fundamental changes. But those changes will be on positive side and will have practical and effective way to eradicate corruption. First thing Lokpal will be powerful and independent body and not just mere a Bill/Law. It will have more teeth and claws and not just 10 people sitting like judge. Another major change it will have that it will have it’s own Security/Armed Force directly working under them (Commando, detectives, Armed men, highly advanced technological weapons). This will be needed as, when Lokpal System will be fighting corruption, they will have to deal with ‘bad’ guys. System should be capable enough to deal with these ‘bad’ guys, otherwise these ‘bad’ guys will remain ‘bad’ guys. Govt officials, Police, Army etc people’s salaries will be made realistic so that they don’t do corruption again.
8. Black money sent abroad will be brought back. Full recovery may not be possible, but for better recovery let System have Bigger stick in hand.
9. When corruption lowers down, Black money outside/inside is brought back into country. We will have enough money to plan development of country.
10. Large Infrastructure projects will be undertaken. Like National River grid project linking Rivers, building highways, Train routes, Building towns, hospitals, schools etc. These will be so big projects that no one in India will remain unemployed. This will give BIG boom to economy. When everybody is employed, crime rate will automatically go down.
11. This development will lead to modernization/computerization and no one will be able to stop India becoming superpower. And India deserves to be. It has huge Natural Resources, so much Human resources and Intelligent people to innovate/research. Why not we become Superpower ?
12. With booming economy and money in hand, Kaveri Basin and other areas will be explored for Petroleum and for energy needs we will be become self reliant. Till the time, we become self-reliant in energy, all these Oil rich nations will be begging to India to take their oil (as Indian economy will be so strong and we will be richest nation of world)
Ok .. now many of you would be thinking that “This is Impossible” or “These are dreams and dreams are never true” … But I say this is very much POSSIBLE.. and it just need a “Political Will”. Look back history of Hong Kong and see how things dramatically changed. It was most corrupt nation but now it is most clean. You may say, “Hong Kong was small country, but India is Big” but Small and Big doesn’t matter… It’s just matter of WILL Power. This comes down to a CLEAN and HONEST Govt who can do all this. Now it’s in OUR HANDS.. If everyone of us STANDS UP and make sure we install a CLEAN and HONEST Govt who can get JANLOKPALpassed ” then .. “DREAMS Will BE TRUE” and “IMPOSSIBLE WILL BECOME POSSIBLE”


  1. SKC hats off man!!!!! only because of people like u IAC movement is still going on... its our country and we cannot let it down....god bless.

  2. May this happens. Inshallah. Our country deserves this after 60+ years of slavery.

  3. hats off to u..!! :) well said..:)

  4. very true...i hav seen many people not bothering at all abt janlokpal as if it nothing concerned abt them..this made me very sad..people like and comment on posts of all kinds of nonsense in facebook..but when it comes to important issues not even one person frm so many freinds of mine care to even look at it..
    so i stopped thinking abt them n continued in my own way supporting janlokepal and spreading awareness...
    really liked ur post...

  5. Take a words..

  6. Great post SKC. Why do we forget that we are from the country of Bhagat singh, Chandrashekhar ajad, arybahatta, mihir n endless gems who have been shaking the world since so many centuries. YES WE CAN, WE WILL. JAI HIND.

  7. Hope everything happens peacefully without loss of life and damage to public property.

    Government must understand the situationa and pass the JAN LOKPAL bill.

  8. The dream will come true only when everybody participates in the voting as you many many intellectuals and urbanites avoide voting. This behavior resulted in the current corrupt government.

  9. It is interesting to picture how the events will unfold.. its all about tapping the Frustration and Passion amongst the population for Change.. this blog serves the purpose of fueling this anger.. and disgust.. great going.. keep it up...

  10. Well said! We'll see this to happen for sure...

  11. Its a good thought , but I partially disagree with the 3rd,4th and 5th point. I am with this movement because it was said in the earlier stages that PARTY-POLITICS and POLITICIANS wont be a part of this movement.(I felt SKC you have a soft corner towards NDA Govt).
    Be it the UPA or the NDA the main aim should be JAN LOKPAL BILL.
    WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA are not at all bothered with the party in rule (all are the same) we need OUR COUNTRY totally free from CORRUPTION.

  12. Let me quote Wiki,

    in hong kong,
    In 1974, Murray McLehose founded ICAC, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, in order to combat corruption within the police force. The extent of corruption was so widespread that a mass police petition took place resisting prosecutions. Despite early opposition to the ICAC by the police force, Hong Kong was successful in its anti-corruption efforts, eventually becoming one of the least corrupt societies in the world.

  13. You are absolutely right once this bill is passed and at last some good government comes too power(instead of the congress) then no body not even the americans or the chinese can stop us.

  14. If a bill like this can be brought for the political system aslo , where no body with tainted , criminal background could contest the election . That will be speed up the process of India becoming superpower.

  15. Good judgement i fully support Annaji for his Jan Lokpal Bill it will definately bring change in India.....

  16. is someone out for treatment to foreign country while making excuse of some disease.
    that disease is corruption, and they fear lokpal and its movement.

  17. love your movie like optimism dude but let us not misunderstand the Kuteels Sibbals..

  18. Hmm, looks like a typical movie story in which a poor hero becomes a billionaire... during a 5 min song... :)

    The first step is to make this movement a success, and future will evolve itself.

    So let us for the moment forget everything and do our bit to confront the government.

  19. Please join the 16th Aug 2011 movement of Anna Hazare and make 16th August 2011 truly our Independence Day of the common and true Indian people.

  20. Excellent article man....Good work

  21. I guess the Indian Mafias are SHITTING in their pants !!!

  22. Let us make sure SKC's vision comes too - then there will be a mad rush of NRIs heading back home and all of us will have INDIA 2020 fever !!!!!!!

    Jai Hind !!

  23. Super....hope it will happen

  24. Nothing is going to happen.
    Everyone will be kept out from main locations.

    Who bothers if there are 50K or 5L people marching/protesting.
    The only change expected in next election, if the movement keeps the tempo alive in common people, not metro people.

  25. Wonderful! thanks for such a good explanation. It will happen because we will make it happen.
    Love and blessings for my country and this bigger cause.

    Jai Hind !

  26. Skc..was indeed a very inspiring post!
    I would suggest you to make it to a TV channel.and educate people on this movement & the inspire the nation! and we will surely meet success!

  27. xcellent article every indian should join this anti corruption movement led by Team Anna Jai Hind Jai Bharat

  28. Interesting - but it defies economic , social and technological reality

    if wishes were horses my friend .....

    In reality nation building is a long and arduous process , not dependent on merely stopping the negatives but building on hundreds of positives

  29. Chaoron ka leader kya- chor??. Manmohan is no more Mr. Clean. His hands and face are totally black now
    Singh is king of corruption
    As head of nation he should have to take responsibility for that and support Lokapal bill
    Everybody should have equal rights. PM or MPs are servants of public they have to accept it……….but now they think themselves as a king.
    We should have to remind them.

  30. Nicely written.. Hats off..Go India...Go...with no corruption

  31. come on india dikha do...........

  32. Hi!
    I wud say it's easy said than done
    In india we have sufficient no. Of legislation in place to held all kind of problems.
    By adding one more in d list will not gonna help in any manner....
    Passing of JLB will add one more layer of corruption......and more department to be paid to get things done.
    It wud b better to implement the existing laws in the spirit and intent under which they were formed Rather forming a new legislation
    Jai hind!!!!

  33. Let's dream for a building corruption free country ...!!JLP chahiye ... !!
