Friday, August 5, 2011

One pager Janlokpal Awareness document (For distribution)

Download (English) : Click here to download 

  JanLokpal -  India’s Second Freedom Struggle 

Q: What are ‘Indian people’ fighting for ?
A : They are fighting to uproot Corruption from Country. This movement is popularly termed as the ‘Second Freedom of Struggle’.

Q.  How big is this Corruption issue?
A.  Much more than what we can think of. Without the widespread corruption, By now, India could have been a ‘Super Power with First-rate economy’. Corrupt ‘People in power’ (i.e. Politicians, bureaucrats, corporate and other people in authority) have looted the nation and sent out around US$1.5 Trillion black money out of the country. If this amount is brought back, the people of India will not have to pay any kind of direct/indirect tax, to the government, for next 30 years.

Q.  Isn’t population root cause of all problems?
A.   Surprisingly NO. Population is not a problem or obstacle in the development of the nation. Corrupt people in power have been in building their own treasures without thinking about the interests of common man. Millions of people suffer because of these handful corrupts.  

Q. Why this struggle now? Why it wasn’t done earlier to make India corruption free?
A.  Unawareness of facts and absolute faith in the leadership were the main factors. Things have changed now. Education, Internet, and Information media have brought awareness. Triggering factor of this revolution/struggle is exposure of many scams in recent times. Out of those few are biggest scams in Indian history.

Q.  What is being done to end corruption?
 A.  People of India, wants formation of an Independent Body (Ombudsman) which will check Corruption and will have necessary powers to ensure that corrupts are punished. This will be achieved by passing a law in parliament named ‘Janlokpal Bill’ (JLB).  People believe that JLB is foundation to end corruption, in same way ICAC was successful to end corruption in Hong Kong during 1970-80.  Janlokpal Bill (JLB) is judiciously drafted by the civil society, led by Anna Hazare and supported by the People of India. This bill is a logical document to check the corruption in the country.

Q.  What is current status?
A.   Currently, Govt. controls the bodies/agencies which are supposed to check corruption. But this ‘System’ is so far been ineffective to do so. History speaks that despite of numerous scams, involving millions/billions of rupees, not even a single politician/high rank official got any punishment so far. The government is now trying to deceive people by presenting their version of Lokpal Bill in the parliament, which is an eye wash. It is in favor of the corrupt people and against the complainant. People are strongly opposing such move. They want Janlokpal Bill drafted by civil society and not Lokpal Bill prepared by the Government, to be presented in and passed by the Parliament.

Q. What’s Next ?
A.  Civil society activists like Dr. Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan, Santosh hedge, popularly known as “Team Anna” led by Shri Anna Hazare have called Nationwide street protest under banner of “India Against Corruption” and hunger strike from 16-Aug-2011 till Government agree to pass JanLokpal Bill (JLB).

Q. How can I participate or contribute for this “National Cause”?
A. You can participate/contribute in many ways. By spreading the message, support this Janlokpal movement, become volunteer, participating in local events, referendum etc. For more information please visit or (for NRI’s)

(Please help Translating it in other languages)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Time to Act NOW, why suffer till 2014 ?

Some of us talking about bringing 'Change' in 2014 general Elections, as general perception is that HONEST Parliament can only bring the 'Change'. Reality is in fact different. Lets understand why we need to act NOW and not wait till 2014 elections.

1. First let’s demystify a myth that “Honest” elected representative can only bring the “Change”. “Honest” elected representative MP’s are indeed a positive step to make India Corruption free, but far more important is to lay “Foundation” of Revolution which is JanLokpal.

2. Why Janlokpal is a Foundation for Corruption free India, and not “543 Honest MP’s and super honest PM”? Answer lies in bringing change in “SYSTEM” and not just “INDIVIDUALS”. Janlokpal is Foundation to change the SYSTEM.

3. This also implies that even if you have “most dishonest 543 MP’s and the most corrupt/dishonest PM” you can still make India Corruption free, if only “Janlokpal” is implemented.

4.  On the other side, this also implies that if we have “most honest MP’s” but NO Janlokpal then we will see some small “wave of change” in beginning but slowly Indian SYSTEM will again be “corrupt” as before. This may surprise you but let's see Why and How ?

5. This is just like “Honest” people constructing a Building without a FOUNDATION. This resulted in Material used is genuine, Transactions were transparent, No Bribery, No wrong doings. Everybody happy and seems to have won the ‘Corruption’ battle. BUT as there was NO foundation, a part of basement pillar started to Rust and some cracks developed. Cracks then widened and one day small Earthquake brought the whole building DOWN. Back to SQUARE ONE.. !!!  Same applies to real life where a SYSTEM without a Janlokpal Foundation may fall anytime, due to growing number of corrupts.

6.  Even some politicians who were “Honest” and when they came into politics, pledged to be “Honest”. But finally were pressured by SYSTEM, had to do many “Compromises” and compelled to be silent on many wrong things happening in SYSTEM. (One classic example is Ex-PM of India who pledged not to fight elections again)

7.  If People want to see a CORRUPTION FREE INDIA, they must have JanLokpal passed and lay the FOUNDATION first. 

8.  It is NOW or NEVER situation. Don’t wait till 2014 for next general elections, even if you wait till that time, there is no surety that all “HONEST” people will get elected and even if they get elected, they may be COMPLELLED by SYSTEM to vote against Janlokpal Bill…

9. We just can’t afford to miss this GOLDEN chance.  Team Anna (and whole nation) is fighting for JLB and NOT for throwing out UPA Govt and having Fresh set of MP’s. They know that if JLB comes into effect, these these UPA govt like corrupt people can be “FORCED” to behave like “HONESTS”.. This is because it will be DO or DIE situation. If they will not be HONEST they will directly doing to JAIL.  However, it’s differently story that this UPA govt will prefer to step down than to pass JLB as they would prefer to run/hide than give a ‘whip’ to Lokpal and be a sitting duck.

10.  Remember this Revolution may lead to UPA be thrown out of Power and Mid term election be announced, BUT this is not we are fighting for.  We will NOT wait till 2014, Let Revolution BEGIN now and END only when Janlokpal is PASSED (with no Breaks in between)

* Please Refer "Why Janlokpal is important?" blog article for more details. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are Indians, in general, “Dishonest” people ?

Indians were considered to be most Honest people of world. They never used to lock their doors and used to have deep respect towards family, neighbors and people in general. Suddenly why “Indians” started getting tagged as “Dishonest”, “Fraudulent”, “Selfish”, “Opportunistic” people.. Answer lies in “Demand/Supply” rule… Lets see “How”
1. Indians were considered to be most “Honest” people of the world.. Travelers from other parts of the world when visited India, they found Indians to be the most Honest people. Indian Education System “Gurukul” used to be the best. Indians were (and are) great thinkers, philosophers people.
2. Britishers came in “Looted” India .. then “Corrupt” politicians “Looted” India .. and the whole situation changed upside down. Now today’s rotten “System” has made survival difficult for “Honest” people and even though people want it, but they can’t remain “Honest” in today’s India.
3. This all started with Demand-Supply equation…. In older times, we had plenty of food, wealth, happiness so people did think “constructively” .. were “Honest”, have strong social footprints/relations with other people in society. India progressed a lot and became “Sone ki Chidiya” ( Golden Bird )
4. As time progressed, Britishers came in and started “Looting” India.. This deprived Indians of many things like Food, Education, social well being.. Indians now started having less Food/Resources to live with.. But still people were able to manage as they were very hard working so despite Britishers took away most from them, they had sufficient to survive. People became poorer but “Humbleness & Kindness” were still there in their blood.
5. After Independence, Indians were not very rich people (Except some Nawab’s or British supporters) but were not very bad situation either. They hoped that situation will change now and “Happiness” will return. But unfortunately more “BIGGER LOOTERS” surfaced, called “Politicians” who were Silent KILLERS… They deprived Indian people more than before and Indian people had to live with much lesser resources (Food, facilities, development, water, electricity, education) which gave rise to poverty. At the time of Independence there were 12% poor in our country and slowly this percentage increased and now climbed to 70% )
6. This shows that how much Indian people were squeezed and “LOOTED” in these 64 years after independence. This caused Less SUPPLY and MORE Demand in society. People were forced to struggle for existence. Inflation went higher and higher and salary/income was quite less as compared.
7. When there was less food and more people to eat .. People’s energy started diverting towards “Negative Thinking” and how to get share of their “Bread”.. then they started fighting, cheating and even bribing for the “Bread” they deserved. Slowly it turned into a HABIT.. which had all the ILL ingredients of Dishonesty, cheating, Bribing, Deception, Fraud… And further it transformed into a SKILL/ART.. and all just because We people were forced to live with very “Limited Resources”
8. Had previous Governments/Politicians shown genuine interest and inclination to serve people of the Nation and had they genuinely focused on Development and progress of Nation, we all deserved to be one of most developed nation again by 1970-80.
9. Post Independence, If Politicians had not LOOTED us, we could have sufficient resources and we Indians had been most Honest, Trustworthy and most Social people on earth. Indians are NOT to blame for “Chalta hai” or what ever mid-set, mentality, behavior were are currently in .. Situation has made us like that… Today many people are not able to pursue their Interest/Hobby/Talent as career because Resources are LIMITED and there is Blind race to get there and grab it.
10. What’s the Solution ? If we are able to Extend/Expand/Increases the Resources available to Indians.. There will no Unemployment, more savings and all necessary facilities to Citizens to lead a normal/happy life. When people will have "Filled Stomach" they will always think "Positive".  A Social 'Kindness' will be there, respect for individual and "Honesty" will be in our Blood. This all  possible only if we can STOP CORRUPTION and LOOT here onwards. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is Population root cause of Problems ?

   Is Population root cause of problems in India ?  Is Population reason for Poverty ? 
You will be surprised that answer is "NO". Let's see some facts and understand "How"

1. We have always been thinking that Population is root cause of every problem in India. We also had been saying that Population is cause of poor Education and Poor Education is cause of Population. Isn't it ?  Most of people attribute and relate problems to our population.

2. At the time of Independence India's population was 33 crores and out of that 4 crore population was 'poor'. Today our population is 121 crores, which means that we are 3.5 times more than we were at the time of independence. So, even if our past governments didn't do anything to remove poverty.. we should have 3.5 times more number of poor today that is 14 crores. In fact Govt have been claiming that they have removed poverty and will remove poverty from India..  So by that calculation we should have less that 14 crores poor in India. You will be shocked to learn that there are "85 Crore" poor people in India today. 

3. It is absolutely shocking that Indian population is increased by 3.5 times but poverty increased by 21 times. This means these politicians have Looted India to this extent that Rich became more rich and poor became more poor. This "Loot" has created a huge divide between Rich and Poor. 

4. This was not the case when India got independence. Difference between Rich and Poor was not that BIG. Almost all were at same social/economic status. During that time, India had no foreign debt. Rs 1 was equal to both $ 1 and £ 1... Even after 200 years of "Loot" by Britishers we were far better off. 

5. After Independence, these Corrupt politicians, political parties did "LOOT" our India to such a BIG extent that we are now collapsing, Systems are failing, Now you see anywhere everyone is Looting others.. let it be corruption, frauds, scams, hoarding, black money, adulteration etc etc.. 

6. After this massive LOOT after independence people of India have been forced to live with limited resources. Small houses, crowded roads, buses, trains, limited infrastructure, long queues, less salaries, more taxes, high inflation and what not.. 

7. This is all because whatever wealth (Produce, Services etc) our Indian people generated after independence, these corrupt people have LOOTED most of them and never returned back to people in form of Progress, Development and Industrialization. With no real intention to serve the people of Nation, these people wasted lot of India's wealth in mismanagement, poor planning, corruption etc .. 

8. With NO equated development & progress, we could not see Infrastructure built up for People of India. Like Schools, Hospitals, Roads, Water Mgmt, Power generation, Industrialization etc.. As a result we people of India forced to live in certain cities and keep growing around those. 

9. With high concentration of Cities, Resources were falling inadequate.. like Delhi has population of 1.2 crores whereas it's infrastructure is say capable of holding only 25 lakh people. In other words we have cramped Delhi almost 6 times more than it's capacity. Hence we see HUGE population around us and as 6 times more people are accommodated it is naturally going to cause inconvenience like Traffic, long queues, adulteration, rocket high land/housing prices etc .. 

10. If we put the things other way, India has HUGE livable land which is fertile, have access to water and all other natural resources. But because of this LOOT after independence, govt never bothered to develop other areas/land which can ease off population from Top 10 populous cities in India. As a short term solution what they did is extended areas around those existing Cities which increased the livable area but still did put up more pressure on those cities. ( NOIDA Extension - Farmer issue just relates to this )

11. What's solution then ?  Remove Corruption from INDIA, Bring back Black Money and with these two major steps we will be able to Build Highways, Towns, Industries, Schools, Hospitals etc. We have enough of Human & Natural Resources, if investment of resources is done properly and honestly .. we will not have problems that we think is caused by "POPULATION" 

[ Note : Statistics about poverty may vary a bit, Definition of "poor" may change count a bit here and there, but Reality is not much different from what is depicted in this article. ]


Thursday, July 21, 2011

JLB Special Provision - Dealing with CORRUPTS

1. JANLOKPAL BILL suggests that Corrupts will be put into Jail and Punished. Totally agree..

2. However, a Separate provision in Lokpal Bill is needed to Deal with existing Corrupts & Scam-esters at the Time when Jan Lokpal Bill comes into effect. 

3. This Separate provision ( One time Exception & Amnesty provision for existing corrupts ). For practical purposes and for National Interest, existing corrupts should not be Punished and Jailed even if they are proven to be corrupts. This Amnesty doesn't come free though.. and will have some rules/process. 

4. Existing corrupts will be given option to declare their assets that they earned using "Corruption" and "Scams". For smaller than say Rs 25 crore corruption, Lokpal Officers will evaluate the case and will declare part of their Assets as "National Asset" before an Amnesty is given. Lokpal's officer's decision will be FINAL. Lokpal officer will be "Liberal" and "Considerate" towards smaller corrupts (Less than say Rs 25 Crores)

5. For more than say Rs 25 crore corruption/scam cases, a Bench of Lokpal Senior Officials will take up the cases. They will just leave "reasonable" with the individual and most of the remaining assets will be declared as "National Asset". 

6. There will be a deadline by which Corrupts/Scam-esters need to come forward and declare their Assets earned through wrongful means. After that deadline, Any corrupt old or new will be dealt with Existing Lokpal Anti-corruption laws.

7. "Lie/Hide" anything before Lokpal Officer/Bench will be a National Crime. Those who Lie/Hide will directly be Punished/Jailed even if they did corruption of Rs 1 lakh. Corrupts/Scam-esters will also be whistle-blowers who will name others who are corrupts or were part of corruption/scam involved.  

8. To facilitate this, a Tracking/Monitoring System ( Internal Website/Software ) need to be created so that Lokpal Officers/bench can mark/track complaints against Govt/Public Employee/Officials. Similarly this System will also provide an Interface/Website for general users who can file their feedback (good/bad/complaint) for any Govt/Public official/servant or Office. This will bring more Transparency in System. ( Not going in detail here, but this System will have many dimensions, scope, usage etc )


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why JANLOKPAL is important to make India Corruption Free ?

Lets see HOW ?
1. Janlokpal is FOUNDATION of Corruption Free INDIA. We will try to understand WHY & HOW of it ..
2. There is lot of confusion and criticism for “TEAM ANNA” and the “APPROACH”. Some has been spread by people who are themselves corrupt or have vested interests. Some people who are not influenced by someone else, are questioning themselves, if the “APPROACH” laid down by “TEAM ANNA” is right or not. Or will it solve the Corruption or there is still better way that “TEAM ANNA” is not adopting or ignoring. Valid questions, thoughts.. let’s READ FURTHER to understand..
3. First important thing : Corruption is not just “Individual” or “Mentality” .. it is “SYSTEM” which is corrupt today. With no doubt “Individuals” have made the “SYSTEM” corrupt.
4. Replacing 545 MP’s with “HONEST” ones is indeed a positive and necessary step but this “ALONE” can’t solve the problem. This is because here we are just replacing the “individuals” on corrupt “SYSTEM”. This step will create a positive wave at beginning but as there is no firm FOUNDATION, things will go back to as it was before (i.e, corrupt). Lets understand this.. Farmer grows Tomatoes and forced to sell it in Rs 2/kg to a middle man. Finally a corrupt system makes it Rs 24/kg when customer buys it. Now Rs 22 will be eaten up by middle man, distributors etc and a cut goes to Administration (corrupt Govt). One fine day a Honest Minister is elected and declares that all middleman are being eliminated and Farmer will get Rs 10 and end customer would pay Rs 14. Rs 4 will be spent for storage, transport, distributor which is reasonable. Doing this we stopped/eliminated middleman, corrupt officials who were getting those Rs 22. Now think about those people who lost Rs 22. They won’t sit idle. As there is no alternative to get money they will group together, lobby, engage “bad” guys and will somehow pressurize Farmer, minister, govt people, policy makers to such a extent that Farmer would start getting lesser and Customer would start paying more. Mind that these middlemand/corrupts/bad guys are very powerful in Society/SYSTEM. After sometime, things would go bad as it was before as we didn’t think about how middleman/corrupt people would survive.
5. “JAN LOKPAL BILL” is the way to ensure that every “Govt/Judiaciary people (MP/PM/Judges/Officials etc)” remain “HONEST” and perform their DUTY. Practically speaking even today 80% of corrupts do not want to remain corrupt. They are forcibly made corrupt by “ROTTEN SYSTEM”. Today System’s pressure, peer pressure and greed is prominent reason for corruption than “need”. Traffic policeman getting less salary, hence doing corruption is fractional situation. Even though Traffic policeman takes bribe he just gets 10% and rest goes up. Coming back to core point, “Jan Lokpal Bill” is the way to convey that “I am watching”. Now let Govt people get together, make policies, do development, create employment/business opportunities for those Middleman/corrupts who were getting Rs 22, use tax payer’s money wisely and honestly, stop black money generation, force transactions to be recorded, stop hoarding, encourage farming, support farmers, generate employment by taking Mega development projects like building highways, towns, schools and so on ..
6. When “Jan Lokpal Bill” is implemented, Govt/Administration will itself start making system “CLEAN” and in this “CLEAN” environment CORRUPT bugs, pests, termites will have NO place to survive. It is just like A newly appointed restaurent’s Quality Inspector (which has power) telling Chef that “If I see a single “Cockroach or rodent, in restaurent, I will throw you out of job”. Now it’s Chef’s duty that it makes plan/process, tells their juniors/subordinates and keep the kitchen, restaurent clean. Here Quality Inspector is “Jan Lokpal”, “Chef” is PM or Head of any ministry/dept, juniors/subordinates are officials/Govt employees and Pests(cockroaches/rodents) are corrupt people. Here we see that Quality Inspector is not interfering what Chef or other employees are doing. Quality Inspector is just having a Power and looks for Cockroaches/Rodents or anybody complaining about it.
7. Today we all are fighting for “Corruption” free India and “Jan Lokpal Bill” is FOUNDATION of it. All other positive ideas/approaches are good, valid and welcomed. Neither “Team Anna” nor any one in IAC is ignoring what others are saying or suggesting (like Election Reforms etc ). If you as concerned, responsible, patriotic citizen feel that other ideas/approaches should be implemented then it has to be implemented. No questions about that. BUT currently we are fighting a BIG battle in getting the “FOUNDATION STONE” be placed. And that is “JAN LOKPAL BILL” which is FIRST and MOST important step in making a “CORRUPTION FREE INDIA”.
8. At this moment GOVT is using it’s all POWER to derail “TEAM ANNA’s JLB Movement”. They have threatened Anna ji to do same thing that they did for Ramdev ( 4th June incident ). It is becoming difficult for TEAM ANNA and IAC members to deal with such situations. BUT they are determined to face any situation, get lathi’s, get killed, die of hunger for PEOPLE OF NATION.
9. Please come together and stand in support for TEAM ANNA’s STRONGER JAN LOKPAL BILL. It’s time to remain UNITED. Lets not get DIVIDED over Approach A or B, All Approaches takes us to “Corruption Free India”.

10. Please Click here to go through the appeal Arvind Kejriwal has made to all people of India. It's time to JOIN the Movement. It's NOW or NEVER.  


2 Major Milestones and 1 Challenge Ahead...

FIRST Milestone to Force this corrupt Govt out of power. SECOND Milestone is to have New Govt to pass “Jan Lokpal Bill” (JLB). Next big CHALLENGE is to REBUILD India by Cleaning “SYSTEM”.
Lets take this one by one ( in brief )
1. This FIRST Milestone might not be needed, had this Govt adopted Anna’s JLB. Now either 120 crore Anna’s OR Chief Justice of India (OR combination) will achieve this milestone.
2. SECOND Milestone is important to have Team Anna’s JLB passed by elected MP’s of new Govt. Before that we need to ENSURE that ONLY those gets elected who will vote in favor of JLB. Also they need to meet certain basic criteria (like Clean image and record, well educated, good family background etc). Team Anna, Ramdev, Subramanian Swamy, Abdul Kalam, Narayana Murthy and other like minded people need to come together and form a BIG Team (Let’s call them ANNA). A list of 545 candidates with allocated Loksabha seat will be published by ANNA. These candidates will be ‘ENDORSED’ by ANNA and will carry their BLESSINGS. These candidates can be of any political party, independents who meets the CRITERIA. These candidates can be any ‘Eligible’ candidates, not necessarily seasoned/experienced politicians. People of INDIA will volunteer and will publicize these candidates going villages/towns to ensure that People vote for these candidates. Electoral candidates themselves will have to do minimal to make people aware of their candidature. Practically they won’t need any money to do Campaigning. (Just like Team Anna didn’t spend any money to gain trust and popularity of India people). ANNA Blessing and Endorsement will be quite enough for that Candidate to win election. Volunteers will make them WIN election. NO BODY CAN THEN STOP JAN LOKPAL BILL TO BE REALITY.
3. After these two important MILESTONES, next will be the CHALLENGE to Clean the SYSTEM, Bring back Black money, Start development work in BIG scale. end unemployment, good savings, high living standards etc and FINALLY Build India 2.0, a Superpower, which we all are waiting for and deserve to LIVE & BREATHE in..

Difference between Jan Lokpal & Govt Lokpal Bill ?

Jan Lokpal (Good)    -----------       Govt Lokpal (Bad)

Today : Jail for corrupts has no walls ]
What Jan Lokpal Bill says : Put all corrupts into Jail with High and Secure walls.
What Govt Lokpal Bill says: Don’t take all corrupts to Jail, for others build Jail with atleast 5 escape tunnels and 3 secret outlet doors.
Most Internet Savvy people or Newspaper readers must have known the difference between Jan & Govt's lokpal differences.   But it's still a challenge to reach out 'aam-admi' (common man) and explain them first about "Jan lokpal" and then difference between Jan & Govt Lokpal Bill differences. Lets see how to reach out people and educate them about Janlokpal and then differences with Govt's Lokpal (Jokepal)  

We have 3 kinds of people in our society.
1. Who are net/newspaper/TV Savvy and follow up news/events on regular basis.
2. People who doesn’t take interest in events happening in country and believes that “Nothing is Possible” in India .. or “India will never change” or in other words carry Pessimistic attitude. ( Not blaming these class of people as they are were so troubled and tortured by corrupts and rotten system that they no longer have any trust, faith & confidence in System )
3. Who are away from Internet, don’t have access to Newspaper (or can’t afford) or those who are so busy and struggles for getting food and basic amenities for their family )
If we start with explaining difference between Govt Lokpal and Jan Lokpal, to #2 and 3 kind of people, it will be tough to get their support easily as they need to understand complete background first and this #2 and 3 are majority of population.
While, addressing people, we need to focus on areas which matters the most in their lives. Give them some examples that tells “How bad is the situation now” like Farmers getting Rs 10 as compensation from Govt people. Govt releases funds or development projects but they don’t reach “aam-admi” like that. Next they needed to shown glimpse of How Better India will look like and what it means to “aam-admi”. Finally to tell them “What to do now” to see “Better India” in future. Need to tell them to come openly in support of this Revolution and 2nd freedom struggle. As far as JLB is concerned, it can be conveyed that “JLB is tool to eliminate corruption” while govt’s Lokpal bill is just eyewash. Additionally some 2-4 pager flyer/booklet can be distributed which talks more about Jan Lokpal and it’s differences. Bottonline that if we just start telling difference between Lokpal version differences then it will not be enough to get open support of people as it will be too specific thing.

What may happen on 16-Aug & After.. ?

Lets visualize what is going to happen on 16-Aug and after…
1. Anna Hazare ji sits on fast on 16-Aug. It may happen that Govt imposes section 144 and not let Anna ji to go Jantar Mantar. Anna ji will sit for fasting wherever he is. Along with that lakhs of Supporters will be with him. ( much much larger than what were there in Ramlila ground on 4th June )
2. If Govt dares to Arrest Anna ji or harm him, this will prove to be quite fatal for Govt and it will be total uncontrollable situation for them. People who planned to do peaceful protests, may turn violent and march in large numbers towards Parliament, Rastrapati Bhavan etc. Police/Army may refuse to obey Govt orders and would not act against their own people. Anyhow police/Army will not have resources to stop these large number of people from Marching ahead.
3. If Govt. doesn’t repeat 4th June, then with Anna ji’s fast people in large number will step into streets to show support for this Anti-corruption movement. It is obvious that Govt would not agree to Jan Lok Pal Bill(JLB), but will try to cheat Anna ji by saying we agree but later deny on that. With every cunning move of Govt, more large number of people come out of street. In 3 days almost everybody will be out in streets and this Govt will be under tremendous pressure to step down. Jayalalitha like people will try to take benefit of situation by forming “3rd front” with Support from NDA (or vice versa) and Jayalalitha would try best that she becomes prime minister. But her these stunts would sooner be exposed and this unreliable formula will be rejected by People. Govt will either be brought down in Parliament, by President or Supreme court or Govt will have no other option than stepping down and mid-term election will be announced. Under no circumstance this Govt will agree to JLB, for sure. They would prefer to step down rather than accepting JLB. By stepping down they would still hope that next Govt of BJP/NDA/ThirdFront will not let JLB to go through and this corrupt govt people would escape charges of corruption.
4. Net result would be that Govt would be thrown out of from Power by end of Aug.
5. Mid term elections will happen. If BJP has guts then it will declare and commit to JLB, but there are corrupts in their party too (though less in number). People who are standing today are not against Congress/Govt but against corruption. So when elections come, they will make very sure that only those who supports JLB and are honest are elected.
6. Elections done, New Govt, JLB passed.
7. Current JLB will undergo many changes, even fundamental changes. But those changes will be on positive side and will have practical and effective way to eradicate corruption. First thing Lokpal will be powerful and independent body and not just mere a Bill/Law. It will have more teeth and claws and not just 10 people sitting like judge. Another major change it will have that it will have it’s own Security/Armed Force directly working under them (Commando, detectives, Armed men, highly advanced technological weapons). This will be needed as, when Lokpal System will be fighting corruption, they will have to deal with ‘bad’ guys. System should be capable enough to deal with these ‘bad’ guys, otherwise these ‘bad’ guys will remain ‘bad’ guys. Govt officials, Police, Army etc people’s salaries will be made realistic so that they don’t do corruption again.
8. Black money sent abroad will be brought back. Full recovery may not be possible, but for better recovery let System have Bigger stick in hand.
9. When corruption lowers down, Black money outside/inside is brought back into country. We will have enough money to plan development of country.
10. Large Infrastructure projects will be undertaken. Like National River grid project linking Rivers, building highways, Train routes, Building towns, hospitals, schools etc. These will be so big projects that no one in India will remain unemployed. This will give BIG boom to economy. When everybody is employed, crime rate will automatically go down.
11. This development will lead to modernization/computerization and no one will be able to stop India becoming superpower. And India deserves to be. It has huge Natural Resources, so much Human resources and Intelligent people to innovate/research. Why not we become Superpower ?
12. With booming economy and money in hand, Kaveri Basin and other areas will be explored for Petroleum and for energy needs we will be become self reliant. Till the time, we become self-reliant in energy, all these Oil rich nations will be begging to India to take their oil (as Indian economy will be so strong and we will be richest nation of world)
Ok .. now many of you would be thinking that “This is Impossible” or “These are dreams and dreams are never true” … But I say this is very much POSSIBLE.. and it just need a “Political Will”. Look back history of Hong Kong and see how things dramatically changed. It was most corrupt nation but now it is most clean. You may say, “Hong Kong was small country, but India is Big” but Small and Big doesn’t matter… It’s just matter of WILL Power. This comes down to a CLEAN and HONEST Govt who can do all this. Now it’s in OUR HANDS.. If everyone of us STANDS UP and make sure we install a CLEAN and HONEST Govt who can get JANLOKPALpassed ” then .. “DREAMS Will BE TRUE” and “IMPOSSIBLE WILL BECOME POSSIBLE”

Why Corrupts will join "JANLOKPAL" Anti-Corruption Movement ?

To some people it may look like “Funny” statement, but see WHY and HOW this will happen :-
1. No one is Born corrupt and no one wants to be corrupt, but situation make a person Corrupt.
2. A person becomes corrupt for following 4 reasons
a) Doesn’t have sufficient earning to meet his/family needs.
b) Peer pressure. A Person’s Fellows, colleagues, neighbors, friends, relatives do or did corruption and so he also does so to earn “extra” money like others.
c) Compulsion : At office, every person above and below the person is corrupt. He is compelled to do corruption otherwise he will be thrown out and replaced by some other.
d) Mental state : Greed, mean attitude, ill mentality.
3. Of all above reasons a), b), c) can be fixed through a “healthy” system and good economy. For the last one d) it’s a challenge and it will take some time or generations to fix. Short term fix is “Carrot” & “Stick” in hand. Like if you dare to do “bad” things, you would go Jail with harsh punishment.
4. By promising of better future (good salary, clean system etc), Corrupts may join Anti-corruption movement. This is because being corrupt is matter of Big SHAME.. Some corrupts who are shameless will not co-operate. After revolution they will not have any other option. They will either be “Nice” persons in society or will be in “Jail”
5. For those who are already corrupt, may not need to fear about their future in “India 2.0″. All existing corrupts will be given chance to be “Nice” and “respectable” citizens. In other words Assurance that they will not be put directly into Jails after India’s second freedom (India 2.0).
6. Corrupts will get chance to come into mainstream by retaining some minimal required assets (even though asset was built using corruption in past) and rest other giving back to Govt (Society). Easier to say than getting it done but ideology behind it is that India 2.0 would assume that all corrupts were corrupts because of rotten system and situations beyond their control.
7. Important thing is that India will no longer be generating black money, will get major portion of black money (internal/external) into Economy. This all resulting in Mega Mega Construction/Development/Research/Manufacturing projects running all across India, generating plenty of jobs and opportunities.
8. With huge employment opportunities people who want to be honest and earn good money as well will not have trouble finding good jobs. In other words there will be more “food” available than a person can “eat”. ( Who would like to be corrupt then ? )
9. Corrupts will get Amnesty after co-operating with Govt and with pledge that they will no longer do corruption ( else would go Jail ). There will be no motivation to remain corrupt and also a scare of getting punished if found doing corruption. In that India 2.0 who would want to remain corrupt.. ?
10. In Anticipation to see a safe and better India, all people who are corrupt today will come on street 16-Aug onward in support of Anti-corruption Revolution.

Why Referendum ?

JanLokpal or JokePal ?

1. REFERENDUM gives TEAM ANNA a Strong Representation of “Voice of People”. Today everybody is standing against corruption but how we will tell Govt/Media that we people of India want Strong JanLokpal and not a Govt's Jokepal.

2. Come forward and participate and volunteer for Referendum. This is also good medium for people to come together and show Unity and Solidarity.


Reservation Boon or Curse ?

For self vested interests and vote bank, Politicians or political parties have adopted DIVIDE & RULE policy. RESERVATION is one of them ( MINORITY Card is another one..)
1. As a side effect of CORRUPTION, people in general are left with “LIMITED” resources. Like limited schools/colleges, employment opportunities, hospitals, industrialization, agricultural technologies/facilities and list is endless.
2. When resources are “LIMITED” ( like less food in plate but more people to eat ) this generates an environment which gives rise to unhealthy competition, jealousness , mistrust, meanness, fights, tussles, frauds etc.
3. On the other hand, When CORRUPTION ends and we live in “New India”, there will be “SUFFICIENT RESOURCES” ( More food in plate than number of people to eat ) like employment, development, good savings, almost zero inflation, booming economy etc. This will lead people to think/talk/do “good” things, with positive energy and be nice to every other person.
4. When we have “RESOURCES” there will be NO need of RESERVATION System which is dividing our people/society today. Everybody will be have access to Best possible EDUCATION, and everybody will be EMPLOYED.
5. RESERVATION is just Survival Card for these corrupt politicians. It is NEITHER benefiting those who are getting it NOR helping those who are not getting it. Those who are getting so called benefit from RESERVATION system have to face “Humiliation” from other people whole of their life and a BIG guilt to carry all along. This is what they anyway deserved to get if there would have been “NO-CORRUPTION” and with no RESERVATION system in place.