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Jan Lokpal (Good) ----------- Govt Lokpal (Bad) |
[ Today : Jail for corrupts has no walls ]
What Jan Lokpal Bill says : Put all corrupts into Jail with High and Secure walls.
What Govt Lokpal Bill says: Don’t take all corrupts to Jail, for others build Jail with atleast 5 escape tunnels and 3 secret outlet doors.
Most Internet Savvy people or Newspaper readers must have known the difference between Jan & Govt's lokpal differences. But it's still a challenge to reach out 'aam-admi' (common man) and explain them first about "Jan lokpal" and then difference between Jan & Govt Lokpal Bill differences. Lets see how to reach out people and educate them about Janlokpal and then differences with Govt's Lokpal (Jokepal) We have 3 kinds of people in our society.
1. Who are net/newspaper/TV Savvy and follow up news/events on regular basis.
2. People who doesn’t take interest in events happening in country and believes that “Nothing is Possible” in India .. or “India will never change” or in other words carry Pessimistic attitude. ( Not blaming these class of people as they are were so troubled and tortured by corrupts and rotten system that they no longer have any trust, faith & confidence in System )
3. Who are away from Internet, don’t have access to Newspaper (or can’t afford) or those who are so busy and struggles for getting food and basic amenities for their family )
If we start with explaining difference between Govt Lokpal and Jan Lokpal, to #2 and 3 kind of people, it will be tough to get their support easily as they need to understand complete background first and this #2 and 3 are majority of population.
While, addressing people, we need to focus on areas which matters the most in their lives. Give them some examples that tells “How bad is the situation now” like Farmers getting Rs 10 as compensation from Govt people. Govt releases funds or development projects but they don’t reach “aam-admi” like that. Next they needed to shown glimpse of How Better India will look like and what it means to “aam-admi”. Finally to tell them “What to do now” to see “Better India” in future. Need to tell them to come openly in support of this Revolution and 2nd freedom struggle. As far as JLB is concerned, it can be conveyed that “JLB is tool to eliminate corruption” while govt’s Lokpal bill is just eyewash. Additionally some 2-4 pager flyer/booklet can be distributed which talks more about Jan Lokpal and it’s differences. Bottonline that if we just start telling difference between Lokpal version differences then it will not be enough to get open support of people as it will be too specific thing.
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